Are you ready to have that first conversation on puberty with your daughter?
Don’t let your school district dictate what she learns.
As her mother, you can guide her in making healthy choices for her future.
I’ve helped thousands of mothers just like you initiate the conversation!
Education is known to be the best way to keep our teens safe. Studies have shown that teens between the ages of 13 – 15 would rather receive health information from their parents than from friends.
During Covid, most of the health education classes were placed on hold. In fact, only 39% of the states and the DC offer health education. Some of them are abstinence-based and most of them offer no information on birth control.
What health education did your daughter receive?
Start HERE with these 2 initial steps:
1- Have the talk
2- Review puberty
1- Have the Talk

Avoid playground sex-ed.
Make sure you have an age-appropriate discussion of The Birds and The Bees With Ease!
Don’t let others dictate what your child learns about sex, thus avoiding “playground sex-ed.”
Not sure how much to say? Here are example scripts that you can use.
You can start the conversations slowly and be confident in your ability to communicate.
Children rather hear this information from their parents than anyone else.
Age-appropriate information based on the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Keep your children safe and set the foundation for healthy choices.
Here is a FREE e-book to get you started with the talk.
2- Review puberty
On-Demand Puberty Education Course
for Mothers and Tweens ages 9 – 12.
- Do you know what type of health education curriculum your daughter’s school teaches? If any?
- Reconnect with your daughter and share this unique educational experience with her leaving room for future conversations.
- Get the expertise of a seasoned pediatrician that will be your guide throughout the Masterclass.
Here are the topics covered in our on-demand Healthy Chats for Moms and Tweens.
Want to chat with Dr. de Freitas first?
So, Join me in the adventure, and let’s educate your tween on the topic of Puberty. Click on the link below.
For more information and to schedule a in-home seminar please send email request to: