Healthy Chats
for Tweens and Moms
Our Healthy Chats seminars are open to mothers, aunts, grandmothers, step-mothers, mentors, and the treasured girls in their lives. Healthy Chats enables you to take advantage of the physical changes of puberty as an opportunity to learn, share, and be proactive in every aspect of a girl’s life. You can set up an on-line group with friends, school mates or join one based your schedule availability.

Healthy Chats for Girls Agenda
Our instructors introduce themselves, overview the format of the class, and give any other necessary announcements. There will be an ice break activity to participate in.

Part I
Consists of an approximate 30 minute slide presentation on the stages of puberty. These are:
These concepts are presented in a fun
Sensitive manner that stresses the normal process of growth and development that girls experience. There is also a brief, age-appropriate review about the facts of life, “the birds and the bees.
The basic information at this age includes:
1. How do babies get in? / What is Sex?
We will NOT be reviewing where babies come from (SEX) unless specifically asked by the on-line group. All mothers must be in agreement if they want the instructor to provide this explanation. To help them decide, the registrants will receive beforehand a copy of the e-book “The Birds and the Bees with Ease!” by Dr. de Freitas which has a review of how to explain these concepts to young children and tweens. Please review this on your own prior to the on-line seminar.
2. How to they get out?
Prior to a snack break, mothers and daughters have the opportunity to anonymously write questions and hand them in on the provided cards. These cards are collected and reviewed during the second half of the workshop. Moms are also asked to complete an inspirational sentence for their daughters to be read back at the end of the seminar by the instructor.
During the break, the instructor will gather with the mothers and review whether or not to continue the story in part 2 of the seminar as it pertains to:
Part II
In addition to addressing questions placed in the question box, the group is encouraged to participate by contributing personal anecdotes, etc. One of the goals of the seminar is to show these young girls that their mothers are their best resource. During this half of the presentation, the group is shown different sanitary products (no specific affiliations to any company), how to use and dispose of them, etc.
If the mothers have agreed upon it, the instructor will conclude the seminar with the story of conception (what is sex.)

Other Information

Class Size Minimum
10 Mother-Daughter couples; Maximum of 25 couples

Send us an e-mail with 2 to 3 potential dates. An educator with contact you for the final date.

2.5 hours (+/- 15 mins.) depending on the length of Q&A, snack time, etc. There will be a 15 min break in between for a conversation with moms only.

$75.00 per mother-daughter pair; $30 per extra person/sibling due at the time of the seminar.
What you’ll achieve alongside your daughter…

Mothers – Come review of all the information you need to know to share with your daughter about Puberty
Learn – what is age appropriate for her age and become your daughter’s resource for information Experience a fun couple of hours with your daughter and her friends on line
Create a bond and an experience that neither of you will ever forget
Consult with the presenters and get accurate health information
Contact Healthy Chats
These seminars are lots of fun
For mothers as well as for daughters!

Dear Antoinette
I can’t thank you enough for the seminar yesterday afternoon for Nicole and me. It was a very special afternoon and a very special topic that you explained just perfectly. You made the “subject” easy for the girls to understand while taking the awkwardness out of it. It is a day Nicole and I will treasure forever.
Sincerely, Carey

Dr. de Freitas presented her Mother-Daughter seminar to our 5th grade Girl Scout troop at one of our homes. I believe the comfortable environment and the age and maturity of the girls helped us to have a productive and meaningful presentation. Dr. de Freitas has very kind and understanding nature, which was very helpful when being presented material which was very sensitive to most of our girls.
Sandy Gereaux
Solana Beach, CA
Girls Scout Troop #1217
Let’s get started with the
basic information for children.

The Birds and the Bees with Ease!
In this FREE e-book you can set your foundation for talking with your children ages 4 to 12 about birth and conception.

Get a FREE copy of Dr. de Freitas’ E-book
Receive a free copy of the e-book The Birds and the Bees with Ease!
Contact Healthy Chats
Frequently Asked Questions
Above all, thank you for your interest in our Healthy Chats for Girls mother-daughter seminar. You belong to a group of unique moms who want to introduce their daughters to this rite of passage in a manner that will be meaningful for both of you. Read what other mothers have said under “Testimonials” after having attended a seminar with their daughters. Below, please find some of the more frequently asked questions.