A Script For Talking to Teens About Sex
Hey Drew, I’ve been meaning to have a conversation with you regarding sex. Is this a good time? I realize this is a sensitive topic but I want you to know the following: It is your body and your decision as to when and how you engage in sexual activity. What I want you to know is to please be safe and careful.
1- Always ask for consent. If the person you are with doesn’t want to have sex, STOP.
2- There is no single right answer when it comes to sex. What matters is that you feel good about the choices you make.
3- Use protection. You can not rely on your partner being the one responsible for protection. It is your responsibility.
4- If you feel you are mature enough to share your body with someone else then you should be mature enough to be able to talk to that person openly and agree to be respectful and responsible with each other.
5-As a parent, add your values regarding religion and beliefs that come from personal experience or use other sources to help you.
After addressing these points it would be nice to be able to say:
“How do you feel about what we talked about? Are there any aspects that are confusing or worrying to you?”
Most teens would say “NO” and storm off. If you are one of the lucky ones that a teen will gravitate towards and ask more questions, good for you! I tip my hat to you.
As I write this I wonder if my conversation will be the same if my child were a female and at what age would it occur?
The important thing is that you are honest with your teen and that you keep the lines of communication open. Sex is a complex topic, and there is no one right way to talk about it. By being respectful and understanding, you can help your teen feel confident in making their own decisions about sex. Thank you for reading.
Next time let’s talk about the script for our daughters.
Dr. de Freitas