Not Again!
Mothers – Daughters – Abortion
So, did you know that 25 % of females ages 15 to 20 will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20?
And did you know that the abortion rate for those same teens is 29%? What’s going to happen now that our Justice system has imposed further roadblocks on female reproductive health?
At the same time, the surveys show when it comes to health education, that 52% of teens between ages 12 – 15 felt the highest influencer in their decision-making was their parents. Friends came in at 17% –
Have you heard of “playground sexed?”
Only 29 states and the District of Colombia require that public schools teach comprehensive sexual education? Do you know if your state provides comprehensive health education in your child’s school?
Basic sex information starts at home! For that 70% of you mothers who worry about your parenting skills, and connecting with your daughters, contact us at info:healthychats.com, and let’s get your daughters safely over the bridge and into healthy adult life.
Dr. de Freitas
PS – In the meantime, start with the basic concepts of reproduction that are age-appropriate. Not sure where to start? Get my e-book “The Birds and the Bees with Ease!”.